Monday, July 29, 2013

More benefits from breastfeeding!

It seems that every few months I will see a story on the news about the many benefits of breastfeeding. The list of benefits for both the baby and mother is vast. Benefits to the baby include immunity to illness, lowered risk of asthma/allergies and lower rates of obesity later in life. For the mom, breastfeeding is terrific bonding time with a newborn, helps shed off the "baby weight" and reduces the risk of postpartum depression.

It now appears that breastfed babies may be smarter adults! A new study from Harvard University indicates that babies who are breastfed longer have higher intelligence scores later in life. Specifically, the children were found to have higher language and intelligence scores at the ages of 3 and 7, respectively. Who doesn't want their children to have more intelligence?

Current recommendations from the American Academy of Pediatrics are that babies should be exclusively breastfed until 6 months. After solids are introduced, it is recommended that mothers continue breastfeeding until the child turns 1 year of age.

To read more on this new study, please follow this link.

If you have any questions regarding this topic, feel free to call our office at (847) 673-6600 or visit us on our website.

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